Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Coming this September

I am back from serving a mission with my wife. We were in Thailand for 18 months and have a real adventure. I am planning to do the Muda Walk for a Month this coming September. But don't wait until then, do a walk this week. Go look how the work is being done compared to how it should be done. Look for the 7 wastes. Observe and help improve and always show respect. We don't do Lean to the workers, we do it with them.

While I was away the Lean Construction Pocket Guide reached the 3500 mark in sold copies. So far this year over 300 copies have been ordered. If you don't already have one, you may want to get your own pocket size Lean reference book. A powerful tool to take on Muda Walks. Learn more at http://www.industryweek.com/webinar/leadership-pipeline?partnerref=PA